Thursday, March 14, 2013

At home and resting.  Surgery went smoothly, and I couldn't be more pleased with the care I received from the folks at Audie Murphy VA Medical Center here in San Antonio.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Gall bladders.  Stones.  Not a good combination...

I'll be at the VA Medical Center tomorrow having mine removed.  In and out on the same day.  Surgeon thinks no more than 3 small cuts are needed to do the deed laparoscopically.  Not looking forward to the recovery period, but definitely looking forward to not having pain for an hour or two after I eat, everyday, just about every meal.
I guess it shouldn't be surprising given the proclivities of POTUS towards narcissism. 

But ending White House tours and if anything picking up the pace of vacations, all while allowing the DoD to end tuition assistance to active duty troops?  That certainly shows the stripes of the guy who lives there.  Really, Mr Commander-in-Chief??  You'd think the first affirmative action POTUS would keep a weather eye out for things that do real harm to minorities.  I can tell you from first-hand experience that a lot of minorities in the military completed one if not two degrees using tuition assistance.  Several of them work for me now in their post-military careers.

I suppose the question he always asks of himself--"What's in it for me?"--was answered "not much", so it doesn't qualify as important for POTUS and his staff.  Pathetic.

And on a side-note, why couldn't I find a link at CNN to such?  Perhaps they are showing their true colors as well...
Meetings, bloody meetings.  3 hours straight...3 meetings back-to-back-to-back.  They're a necessary thing, but they can be exhausting.  It sometimes makes me wonder how Americans ever get anything done.  It seems we spend more time sitting around conference room tables than we spend actually doing real work (whatever that is...).

On the other hand, the paycheck continuation plan is a wonderful thing, eh?