Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I have a question.  And let me preface by saying this isn't about politics.  AT ALL.

Why has the church in America seemingly transferred/delegated/given over its Christ-mandated responsibility to care for the 'least of these' to the central government?  Did I miss the verse where Jesus said to give to the Romans and let them take care of the poor/oppressed/widows/orphans/prisoners? 

It seems to me what passes for the body of Christ in America has become fat and content to partake in a safe religion, practiced principally in our multi-million dollar facilities.  We've allowed ourselves to become 'busy' to the point of distraction.  I think we have allowed ourselves, perhaps willfully (!?!?), to become blinded to the needs just outside our oftentimes ornately decorated front doors.

I don't have any answers.  I have my own issues, and am feeling more and more convicted on this matter with each passing day.  But I think Paul, Timothy, Titus and their peers would be collectively face-palming at the self-centered busy-ness of the 21st century church in America.

But I do think this:  We need to get the church out of the buildings and into the communities of which we are a part.  We need to stop doing church and start being the church.  We are Christ's body.  Let's start acting like it.

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